Vestifal The Festival Relocation

Change of plans! For legal reasons, we had to relocate our original event in Damascus to @phoenixartyard in Baltimore. We are so fortunate that they’re letting us use their space.

This changes a few things…⠀

• Vestifal The Festival will only be a one day event on Saturday, August 21st
• There will be no camping⠀
• Tickets are just $10!!! link in bio ⠀
• Yutzi, Diamond Canopy, Hat & Hair, and Bilgewater are unable to play (until next year!)

Since we are only two weeks away, we could really use a hand in promoting this. You can help by getting your tickets, sharing this post, and spreading the word. With your help, this is going to be the best event of the summer!

Here is the ticket link:


Upcoming September concerts!


Vestifal is less than one month away!